
Welcome to the August edition of the Scottish Vaccine Update.

This edition will focus on the introduction of the new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) programme.

The programme aims to protect vulnerable groups against RSV and its complications.

Also in this issue:

  • workforce education materials, including RSV
  • vaccine-preventable disease surveillance, including measles and pertussis
  • publication of our report into understanding and addressing declines in childhood immunisations
  • vaccine supply information

RSV programme background

What is RSV?

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common and highly infectious respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and children, but the severity of illness can vary.

It can cause breathing difficulties and may occasionally result in severe lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia (infection of the lungs), bronchiolitis (infection of the small airways of the lungs) and other life-threatening conditions.

For babies, RSV can cause bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the small airways of the lung, which makes breathing harder and causes difficulty feeding. RSV is one of the leading causes of hospitalisation in the first year of life.

In older adults, RSV is an important cause of acute respiratory illness. It can cause breathing difficulties and may occasionally result in severe lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia (infection of the lungs). 

Find out more information about RSV.

A new RSV programme

On 24 June 2024, the Scottish Government circulated a Chief Medical Officer (CMO) letter providing detail of the new RSV programme in Scotland.

For infants

An infant protection programme is being delivered through a year-round maternal vaccination programme, given to pregnant woman from 28 weeks of pregnancy.

This will start in August 2024. 

For those over 75

A vaccination programme for those over 75 years of age will also be delivered year round.

This will include offering the RSV vaccine to everyone turning 75 years old on or after 1 August 2024, up to and including 31 July 2025.

For the first year of the programme, the vaccine will also be offered to those who are already aged 75 to 79 years on 1 August 2024.

This means individuals will be offered the vaccine if their date of birth is between 2 August 1944 and 31 July 1950 inclusively. 

JCVI recommendations

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is an expert scientific advisory committee that advises the UK government on matters relating to vaccination and immunisation.

The JCVI has reviewed evidence from manufacturers on the efficacy, safety and duration of protection of RSV immunisation products alongside clinical and epidemiological data on the burden of RSV in neonates and infants, and older adults.

JCVI statement

On 7 June 2023, the JCVI issued a statement advising that an RSV immunisation programme should be developed to protect neonates and infants, and older adults, in response to the significant burden of RSV illness in the UK population, which has a considerable impact on NHS services during the winter months.

Read the full JCVI statement.

Updated Green Book

Read the updated RSV chapter in the Green Book.

RSV programme delivery

The maternal (protecting infants) programme will be offered by health board maternity services from 12 August 2024 onwards.

The older-adult programme will be delivered by health boards by vaccination services via invitation to community clinics.

This will take place from 12 August 2024.

RSV vaccine product

Both the maternal (protecting infants) programme and the older-adult programme will be implemented with the vaccine Abrysvo® supplied by Pfizer.

View the summary of product characteristics (SmPC) for Abrysvo®.

Maternal programme information

The maternal programme will be implemented with Abrysvo® as a one-dose schedule. A single dose will be required in each pregnancy.

Older-adult programme information

The older-adult programme, including catch-up, will be implemented with Abrysvo® as a one-dose schedule.


Abrysvo® will be available to order through vaccine holding centres from August 2024.

How it is supplied

The vaccine is supplied in single-dose packs and the presentation is a vial (containing active product) and a pre-filled syringe (containing sterile water solvent) for reconstitution.

RSV patient group direction (PGD)

A national specimen patient group direction (PGD) has been issued to NHS boards.

Please refer to your locally approved PGD alongside the training materials from NHS National Education for Scotland (NES).

Download the PGD for the administration of RSV vaccine.

RSV informed consent materials

We have developed information to support informed consent for the RSV immunisation programme to help protect:

  • infants (through the maternal programme)
  • older adults against serious illness caused by RSV infection

Resources for patients

Informed consent leaflets

Download the following informed consent leaflets:

To order the leaflets in other languages or alternative formats (such as Easy Read and large print), email

Vaccine information for the public

You can also direct patients to NHS inform for further information.

This includes the leaflets in alternative languages and formats (such as British Sign Language and Easy Read):

Resources to support professionals

We have resources for professionals to support confident conversations about the RSV vaccination programme.

This includes information sheets for professionals and midwifery staff.

View our RSV resources for professionals.

Workforce education materials

Immunisation resources

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in partnership with Public Health Scotland (PHS) has developed a variety of workforce education resources to support the Scottish Vaccination and Immunisation Programme (SVIP).

These resources – available on Turas Learn – will be of interest to practitioners whose remit includes immunisation, whether vaccination administration or giving advice.

All practitioners with a remit in immunisation are recommended to review and complete these materials.

View the workforce education resources to support SVIP on TURAS Learn.

RSV-specific resources

A new learning resource has been developed to help support practitioners involved with the new RSV programme.

The recording of a webinar held to further support practitioners, which includes a question-and-answer session, is also available.

View the RSV education resources on TURAS Learn.

Vaccine-preventable disease surveillance data

Viral respiratory diseases surveillance report

We publish regular reports on viral respiratory diseases, including RSV.

There are also interactive dashboards available. 

View the latest viral respiratory diseases surveillance report.

Pertussis cases

We continue to see a high number of laboratory-confirmed pertussis cases in Scotland.

Monthly report

On 18 July, PHS published the first of a monthly surveillance report on pertussis, which aims to provide additional information on the current situation to support health protection activities within the boards.

The report shows 5,270 laboratory confirmed cases of whooping cough between 1 January and 15 July 2024.

Most cases are in those aged 15 years or older. However, the highest incidence rate is between those aged ten and 14 years old.

Read the monthly report of confirmed cases of pertussis in Scotland.

Weekly updates

In addition, we publish weekly updates on case number in Scotland.

View the weekly pertussis updates.

Measles cases

Measles cases continue to increase across the UK and Europe.

As of 17 July, there have been 14 laboratory-confirmed measles cases in Scotland in 2024.

Weekly updates

We publish weekly updates on case numbers of measles in Scotland.

View the weekly measles updates.

Report on the declines in childhood immunisations

We published a report that summarised outputs from structured interviews with board immunisation coordinators that discussed declines in childhood immunisations.

The study aimed to:

  • provide information on the underlying causes behind the declining uptake rates
  • identify best practice across Scotland
  • facilitate improvements

Read the report on understanding and addressing declines in childhood immunisations.

Vaccine supply

Routine vaccines

There are currently no issues with vaccines for the routine vaccination programmes.

Please ensure you hold stocks sufficient for two weeks supply locally.

If you have any queries around ordering limits or supply issues, please contact your local vaccine holding centre.

Non-routine vaccines

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publishes an update on supplies for the non-routine vaccine programmes.

It is available in the UKHSA vaccine update: issue 345, May 2024 as well as in the following section.

Cholera vaccine

  • Dukoral is available but subject to order caps of 10 packs per customer per week.
  • Vaxchora is available.

Combined hepatitis A and B vaccine

  • Twinrix Adult singles and packs of 10 are available.
  • Twinrix Paediatric is currently available.
  • Ambirix is available.

Combined hepatitis A and typhoid vaccine

  • Viatim is now a discontinued product and no longer available for sale.

Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis

  • ADACEL is available to order without restrictions.

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (acellular) and (inactivated) vaccine

  • Supply of Boostrix-IPV is currently available.
  • Repevax is currently available.

Diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis (inactivated) vaccine

  • Revaxis is available.

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hib vaccine and poliomyelitis

  • Infanrix IPV+Hib is currently available.

Hepatitis A vaccine (adult)

  • Supply of Havrix Adult PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • Avaxim PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • VAQTA Adult is available.

Hepatitis A (paediatric)

  • Supply of Havrix Paediatric singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • VAQTA Paediatric is available.
  • Avaxim Junior singles are currently available.

Hepatitis B vaccine (adult)

  • Engerix B PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • Supply of Fendrix is currently available.
  • HBVAXPRO 10 micrograms is available.
  • HBVAXPRO 40 micrograms is available.
  • PreHevbri is available.

Hepatitis B vaccine (paediatric)

  • Supply of Engerix B Paediatric singles is currently available.
  • HBVAXPRO 5 micrograms is available.

Herpes zoster vaccine

  • Shingrix is currently available.

Hib and meningococcal group C combined vaccine

  • Menitorix is currently available.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

  • Gardasil 9 is currently available.

Japanese encephalitis vaccine

  • Ixiaro is available.

Meningitis ACWY vaccine

  • Menveo is currently available.
  • Nimenrix is currently available.
  • MenQuadfi is available.

Meningococcal group B vaccine

  • Bexsero is currently available.


  • MMR Vaxpro is currently available.
  • Priorix is currently available.

Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (PCV)

  • Prevenar 13 is currently available.
  • Vaxneuvance is currently available.

Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV)

  • Supply of Pneumovax 23 (PPV23) PFS is available.

Rabies vaccine

  • Rabipur is out of stock until 24 July 2024.
  • Verorab is available to order with restriction of 30 doses per customer per month.

Rotavirus vaccine (live attenuated)

  • Rotarix is currently available.

Typhoid vaccine

  • Typhim singles and packs of 10 are available.
  • Vivotif is available.

Varicella zoster vaccine

  • VARILRIX is currently available.
  • VARIVAX is available.

Yellow fever

  • Stamaril is available.

Subscribe to the Scottish Vaccine Update

The Scottish Vaccine Update provides regular, up-to-date information for Scotland’s vaccination workforce.

We aim to keep healthcare practitioners informed on the latest activity within each of the vaccine programmes.

If you subscribe to our mailing list, we will send you a notification when a new issue of the Scottish Vaccine Update has been published.

Last updated: 02 August 2024