
Welcome to the September edition of the Scottish Vaccine Update.

This edition focuses on the winter vaccine programme which includes influenza (flu) and coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations.

It also provides a timely reminder that students should be encouraged to ensure their vaccinations are up to date before heading off to college or university this year.

About the winter 2024/25 programme

The winter vaccination programme is due to start in Scotland this month.

It aims to provide protection to those most at risk of hospitalisation and severe illness from both flu or COVID-19.

The optimum timing of this delivery is proposed each year by the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), an independent expert advisory body that advises health departments on immunisation and effective vaccine delivery.

In Scotland, the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) within Scottish Government reviews JCVI advice and, with ministerial approval, instructs the 14 NHS health boards on the requirements for delivery of this, and all, vaccine programme.

Read the CMO letters that detail eligibility for the 2024-25 winter programme:

As always, the aim is for vaccination to be completed before peak winter flu and COVID-19 season.

With almost 1.6 million adult flu and over 530,000 child flu vaccinations, and over 1.2 million COVID-19 vaccines delivered to eligible people in Scotland last year, the programme must start this month to ensure people receive their vaccinations in good time.

JCVI recommendations

The UK Heath Security Agency's Immunisation Against Infectious Disease collection – popularly known as the 'Green Book' – contains chapters on vaccine preventable infectious diseases in the UK.

These chapters are updated as necessary to reflect the current policies and procedures as advised by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).

View the chapters relating to the winter programme:

Winter programme delivery

To support this winter vaccine programme, there are many different national teams working behind the scenes to provide information, resources, and support to help health boards deliver a safe and effective programme.

These include:

  • information systems which provide health boards with the details of those who are eligible for vaccines each year
  • using JCVI advice and health records
  • the national scheduling system which sends out letters, emails or texts (based on customer communication preference) to those eligible people

Ensuring safe and reliable supplies of the different vaccines is also key with a network of supply routes and vaccine holding centres across the whole of Scotland.

The National Contact Centre continues to provide telephone support (through the national vaccination helpline on 0800 030 8013) to those who may need help to book appointments or more specific information.

Public Health Scotland provides and regularly updates call handler guidance in the form of a question-and-answer document.

Uptake data, including that for key groups and different locations is recorded throughout the winter programme. This allows uptake rates to be monitored and any issues identified at an early stage.

Evaluation of this data and the vaccination experience for many groups in recent years is used to drive improvements to the programme. This supports local health boards in their work to reach communities and groups and tackle barriers which may exist.

Local radio campaigns are run to raise awareness of the winter programme, and social media campaigns run to ensure the public are aware of the benefits of flu and/or COVID-19 vaccines for them or members of their family.

PHS has produced marketing toolkits for social media to support health boards to run local campaigns. 

National specimen patient group direction (PGD)

As of 23 August 2024 national specimen Patient Group Directions (PGD) have been issued to NHS health boards which support the 2024/25 flu program.

The PGDs can be accessed on our website: 

The national specimen PGDs for COVID-19 vaccination will be published in advance of the program starting.

Please refer to your locally approved PGD alongside the training materials from NHS National Education for Scotland (NES).

Winter programme informed consent materials

Ensuring the public can access information on the winter programme and individual vaccines is also key to ensure trust in all vaccination programme, and to help those who may need more support in accessing vaccination. 

PHS has developed resources to support the workforce to:

  • be fully informed about flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme
  • support vaccine confidence and equity
  • be an aid to conversation about the vaccines

This includes information to support informed consent for the flu and COVID-19 vaccine programme, aiming to support confident conversations about the vaccines being offered to those eligible this winter.

Information leaflets are available in English and alternative languages and formats (such as British Sign Language, Audio and Easy Read).

Resources to support professionals

We have resources for professionals to support confident conversations about the winter vaccination programme.

Find out more about our winter vaccination resources for professionals.

Resources for patients

You can also direct patients to NHS inform for further information.

This includes information about the:

Workforce education materials

Winter vaccination resources

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in partnership with Public Health Scotland (PHS) has developed a variety of workforce education resources to support the Scottish Vaccination and Immunisation Programme (SVIP).

These resources – available on Turas Learn – will be of interest to practitioners whose remit includes immunisation, whether vaccination administration or giving advice.

NES and PHS have developed a range of vaccine specific workforce education resources/opportunities for both COVID-19 and seasonal flu.

View these resources on the NES TURAS Learn website:

Generic resources

In addition, a variety of generic supporting resources, are also available. They include information about vaccinating children and young people.

View these resources on the NES TURAS Learn website.

Vaccines for students

Students are at increased risk of infectious diseases like meningitis, septicaemia, and measles, which can be severe and, in some cases, life threatening.

These diseases spread easily in universities and colleges, as students mix closely with others from around the country and overseas.

The new semester for Scottish universities and colleges is an important opportunity to remind students of free vaccinations provided by NHSScotland.

These vaccines are offered as part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule. However if they’ve been missed, it’s not too late to catch up. Ideally, they should be given at least two weeks before the new semester starts.

Students are 11 times more likely to develop invasive meningococcal disease, which causes meningitis and septicaemia. The meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine helps to protect against these very serious diseases. 

Parts of the UK and other countries in Europe have been seeing an increase in the number of people getting measles, and evidence suggests students are at higher risk. That’s why it’s important to check students have had two doses of the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella and has saved over 4,500 lives across the UK.

Find out more about vaccines for students on NHS inform.

Vaccine-preventable disease surveillance data

Spring 2024 COVID vaccine uptake

For the spring 2024 COVID programme, the JCVI advised that a COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to:

  • all adults aged 75 years and over
  • residents in care homes for older adults
  • individuals aged 6 months and over who were immunosuppressed (as defined in the Green Book)

Eligible groups were described in the CMO letter about the spring COVID-19 vaccination programme 2024.

Uptake figures in eligible groups for the spring 2024 COVID-19 programme is available on the PHS vaccination surveillance dashboard.

Uptake in adults aged 75 years and over was 72.9%, in care home residents 81.6% and in those with weakened immune systems 45.7%.

There were inequalities in uptake with differences by ethnic group, ethnicity, deprivation and urban-rural classification.

COVID-19 and influenza vaccine uptake in adults under prison care - winter 2023/24

PHS published a report that describes the uptake of COVID-19 and influenza vaccines in adults under prison care in Scotland during the winter of 2023/24.

It reported on vaccine uptake by:

  • prison establishment
  • vaccine eligibility group
  • age
  • sex

In winter 2023/24, adults under prison care aged 65 years and above, 18 to 64-year-olds at higher risk due to a clinical condition and individuals with a weakened immune system were eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination.

All adults under prison care were eligible for the influenza vaccine.

The report showed that vaccine uptake was low for both vaccines in winter 2023/24, with 13.8% of eligible adults vaccinated against COVID-19 and 16.7% of all adults under prison care vaccinated against influenza.

View the full report on COVID-19 and influenza vaccine uptake in adults under prison care 9 July 2024.

Vaccine supply

Routine vaccines

There are currently no issues with vaccines for the routine vaccination programmes.

Please ensure you hold stocks sufficient for two weeks supply locally.

If you have any queries around ordering limits or supply issues, please contact your local vaccine holding centre.

Non-routine vaccines

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publishes an update on supplies for the non-routine vaccine programmes.

It is available in the UKHSA vaccine update: issue 348, August 2024 as well as in the following section.

  • Dukoral is available.
  • Vaxchora is available.
  • Twinrix Adult singles and packs of 10 are available.
  • Twinrix Paediatric is currently available.
  • Ambirix is available.
  • Viatim is now a discontinued product and no longer available for sale.
  • Qdenga is currently available.
  • ADACEL is available to order without restrictions.
  • Supply of Boostrix-IPV is currently available.
  • Repevax is currently available.
  • Infanrix IPV+Hib is currently available.
  • Supply of Havrix Adult PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • Avaxim PFS singles are currently available.
  • Avaxim packs of 10 are unavailable.
  • VAQTA Adult is available.
  • Supply of Havrix Paediatric singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • VAQTA Paediatric is available.
  • Avaxim Junior singles are currently available.
  • Engerix B PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
  • Supply of Fendrix is currently available.
  • HBVAXPRO 10 micrograms is available.
  • HBVAXPRO 40 micrograms is available.
  • PreHevbri is available.
  • Supply of Engerix B Paediatric singles is currently available.
  • HBVAXPRO 5 micrograms is available.
  • Shingrix is currently available.
  • Menitorix is currently available.
  • GARDASIL has been discontinued.
  • Gardasil 9 is currently available.
  • Cervarix has been discontinued.
  • Ixiaro is available.
  • Menveo is currently available.
  • Nimenrix is currently available.
  • MenQuadfi is available.
  • Bexsero is currently available.
  • MMR Vaxpro is currently available.
  • Priorix is currently available.
  • Prevenar 13 is currently available.
  • Vaxneuvance is currently available.
  • Pneumovax 23 (PPV23) PFS is available.
  • Rabipur is currently unavailable.
  • Verorab is currently out of stock.
  • Rotarix is currently available.
  • Typhim singles and packs of 10 are available.
  • Vivotif is available.
  • VARILRIX is currently available.
  • VARIVAX is available.
  • ZOSTAVAX is now a discontinued product.
  • Stamaril is available.

Subscribe to the Scottish Vaccine Update

The Scottish Vaccine Update provides regular, up-to-date information for Scotland’s vaccination workforce.

We aim to keep healthcare practitioners informed on the latest activity within each of the vaccine programmes.

If you subscribe to our mailing list, we will send you a notification when a new issue of the Scottish Vaccine Update has been published.

Last updated: 27 August 2024
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