Scottish Vaccine Update
Issue 84
- Published
- 15 November 2024
- Type
- Reference materials
- Author
- Public Health Scotland
- Topics
Welcome to the November edition of the Scottish Vaccine Update.
This edition focuses on the maternal programme.
About the maternal programme
Scotland's maternal programme currently includes the four vaccinations offered during pregnancy.
These are for:
- pertussis (whooping cough)
- respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- influenza (flu)
- coronavirus (COVID-19)
Receiving these vaccines during pregnancy is the safest way to help protect both pregnant women and their newborn babies from the risk of serious illness, and death, that can be caused by these diseases.
This month, Dr Claire Cameron, Consultant in Public Health at Public Health Scotland has written a blog on Scotland's maternal programme.
It demonstrates how everyone providing clinical care for pregnant women has an important role in highlighting the vaccines recommended during pregnancy, and it includes links to case studies highlighting the lived experience of parents whose children became very unwell with RSV.
JCVI recommendations
The UK Heath Security Agency's Immunisation Against Infectious Disease collection – popularly known as the 'Green Book' – contains chapters on vaccine preventable infectious diseases in the UK.
These chapters are updated as necessary to reflect the current policies and procedures as advised by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).
View the chapters relating to the maternal programme:
National specimen patient group direction (PGD)
Patient Group Directions (PGD) have been issued to NHS health boards which support the maternal programme.
View the PGDs for the administration of:
- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis with or without inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine
- inactivated influenza vaccine 2024/25 season
- COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to individuals aged under 18 years
- COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to individuals aged 18 years and over
Please refer to your locally approved PGD alongside the training materials from NHS National Education for Scotland (NES).
Informed consent materials
Ensuring the public can access information on the maternal programme and individual vaccines is also key to ensure trust in all vaccination programme, and to help those who may need more support in accessing vaccination.
PHS has developed resources to support the workforce to:
- be fully informed about the maternal vaccination programme
- support vaccine confidence and equity
- be an aid to conversation about the vaccines
This includes information to support informed consent for the maternal programme, aiming to support confident conversations about the vaccines being offered to those eligible this winter.
Information leaflets are available in English and alternative languages and formats (such as British Sign Language, Audio and Easy Read).
Resources to support professionals
We provide:
Resources for patients
You can also direct patients to NHS inform for further information.
View the information on immunisations offered during pregnancy on NHS inform.
Workforce education materials
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) – in partnership with Public Health Scotland (PHS) – has developed a variety of workforce education resources to support the Scottish Vaccination and Immunisation Programme (SVIP).
These resources – available on TURAS Learn – will be of interest to practitioners whose remit includes immunisation, whether vaccination administration or giving advice.
There are learning resources available for each of the vaccines offered during pregnancy. In addition, there are resources available detailing seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy.
These will be of use to all those who are involved with vaccination whether administering or having conversations about vaccination with pregnant women.
View these resources on the NES TURAS Learn website:
Vaccine-preventable disease surveillance data
We published the first annual vaccination and immunisation report for Scotland.
It provides an overview of Scotland’s vaccination andimmunisation programme for 2023 and the role it is playing to protect the population of Scotland from a range of infectious diseases.
This programme is Scotland's largest co-ordinated public health intervention, and this report reveals the progress made in this top health protection priority and offers insight into areas of excellence and challenge.
Vaccine supply
Routine vaccines
There are currently no issues with vaccines for the routine vaccination programmes.
Please ensure you hold stocks sufficient for two weeks supply locally.
If you have any queries around ordering limits or supply issues, please contact your local vaccine holding centre.
Non-routine vaccines
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publishes an update on supplies for the non-routine vaccine programmes.
It is available in the UKHSA vaccine update: issue 350, September 2024 as well as in the following section.
Cholera vaccine
- Dukoral is available.
- Vaxchora is available.
Combined hepatitis A and B vaccine
- Twinrix Adult singles and packs of 10 are available.
- Twinrix Paediatric is currently available.
- Ambirix is available.
Combined hepatitis A and typhoid vaccine
- Viatim is now a discontinued product and no longer available for sale.
Dengue tetravalent vaccine
- Qdenga is currently available.
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis
- ADACEL is available to order without restrictions.
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (acellular) and (inactivated) vaccine
- Supply of Boostrix-IPV is currently available.
- Repevax is currently available.
Diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis (inactivated) vaccine
- Revaxis is available.
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hib vaccine and poliomyelitis
- Infanrix IPV+Hib is currently available.
Hepatitis A vaccine (adult)
- Supply of Havrix Adult PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
- Avaxim PFS singles are currently available.
- Avaxim packs of 10 are currently available.
- VAQTA Adult is available.
Hepatitis A (paediatric)
- Supply of Havrix Paediatric singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
- VAQTA Paediatric is available.
- Avaxim Junior singles are currently available.
Hepatitis B vaccine (adult)
- Engerix B PFS singles and packs of 10 are currently available.
- Supply of Fendrix is currently available.
- HBVAXPRO 10 micrograms is available.
- HBVAXPRO 40 micrograms is available.
- PreHevbri is available.
Hepatitis B vaccine (paediatric)
- Supply of Engerix B Paediatric singles is currently available.
- HBVAXPRO 5 micrograms is available.
Herpes zoster vaccine
- Shingrix is currently available.
Hib and meningococcal group C combined vaccine
- Menitorix is currently available.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
- GARDASIL has been discontinued.
- Gardasil 9 is currently available.
- Cervarix has been discontinued.
Japanese encephalitis vaccine
- Ixiaro is available.
Meningitis ACWY vaccine
- Menveo is currently available.
- Nimenrix is currently available.
- MenQuadfi is available.
Meningococcal group B vaccine
- Bexsero is currently available.
- MMR Vaxpro is currently available.
- Priorix is currently available.
Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (PCV)
- Prevenar 13 is currently available.
- Vaxneuvance is currently available.
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV)
- Pneumovax 23 (PPV23) PFS is available.
Rabies vaccine
- Rabipur is currently available.
- Verorab is is available to order with some restrictions (300 doses per month per customer).
Rotavirus vaccine (live attenuated)
- Rotarix is currently available.
Typhoid vaccine
- Typhim singles and packs of 10 are available.
- Vivotif is available.
Varicella zoster vaccine
- VARILRIX is currently available.
- VARIVAX is available.
Yellow fever
- Stamaril is available.
Subscribe to the Scottish Vaccine Update
The Scottish Vaccine Update provides regular, up-to-date information for Scotland’s vaccination workforce.
We aim to keep healthcare practitioners informed on the latest activity within each of the vaccine programmes.
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