
During this difficult time of the Coronavirus pandemic, we were thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a concept. We searched the CSR academic literature definitions looking for the most relevant meaning of CSR that meets the current Covid-19 crisis.

As a result, we came up with the following definition: “CSR is the continuing commitment by businesses to behave fairly and responsibly and contribute to economic development whilst improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families, as well as of the local community and society at large”

As a result of Covid-19 pandemic, world leaders have followed World Health Organization (WHO) advice that social distancing is the solution to prevent the virus from spreading and to our allow National Health Services to save lives. To allow this to happen, businesses have been told to close their doors during the coronavirus outbreak. The question is: have businesses fulfilled their CSR duties?


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Cite as

Hassan, A. & Tarbert, H. 2020, 'Businesses corporate social responsibility (CSR) duties towards communities in the Covid-19 crisis', EUAC The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, April . Available at: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/868833b9-f54e-4a19-9096-102c872085bc

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Last updated: 17 June 2022
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