
Since June 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 Immunity and Reinfection Evaluation (SIREN) study has conducted routine PCR testing in UK healthcare workers and sequenced PCR-positive samples. SIREN detected increases in infections and reinfections and detected Omicron subvariant emergence contemporaneous with national surveillance.


Emerging Infectious Diseases is a publication of the U.S. Government. This publication is in the public domain and is therefore without copyright. All text from this work may be reprinted freely. Use of these materials should be properly cited

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Foulkes, S., Monk, E., Sparkes, D., Hettiarachchi, N., Milligan, I., Munro, K., Taylor-Kerr, A., Platt, N., Howells, A., Kyaw, J., Adaji, E., Gallagher, E., Khawam, J., Wellington, E., Price, L., Crossman, D., Norman, C., de Lacy, E., Cromey, L., Corrigan, D., Lackenby, A., Barbero, P., Elegunde, B., Zambon, M., Chand, M., Brown, C., Islam, J., Atti, A., Hopkins, S., Hall, V., Cole, M. & SIREN Study Group 2022, 'Early warning surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, United Kingdom, November 2021-September 2022', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(1), pp. 184-188. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2901.221293

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Last updated: 17 February 2025
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