
The COVID-19 pandemic attacked the tourism industry with unquantifiable economic losses. People become more sensitive about health problems of perceived risks and uncertainties. Opportunities for recovering from the crisis in the post-pandemic era reside in the wellness tourism. China is the third biggest international inbound market for Malaysia, and understanding the psychological needs as well as adapting the concept of experience economy into wellness tourism will help destination marketing organizations in Malaysia implicate a new strategy to maintain the Chinese inbound tourist market. Based on the theory of experience economy, it is suggested that the four realms of entertainment, education, esthetic and escapism experience can be staged in the wellness tourism in Malaysia to grasp the Chinese outbound tourists and to recover tourism economy.


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Cite as

Fan, Y., Isa, S. & Yang, S. 2022, 'Experience economy in wellness tourism to attract Chinese outbound tourists', Chinese Outbound Tourist Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003121329

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Last updated: 30 May 2023
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