
The Law and Compliance during COVID-19 project sought to answer a critical question: what drove public compliance – and non-compliance – with lockdown laws across the UK during the early stages of the pandemic? Our focus was on what people thought the law was, and how they behaved in relation to it. Through surveys, interviews, and focus groups with the public during 2020, our aim was to understand how the public responded to the lockdown restrictions that they believed to be legal rules. This report sets out our key findings.


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Tomlinson, J., Halliday, S., Meers, J., Finch, N. & Wilberforce, M. 2022, Law and Compliance during COVID-19, University of York, London. Available at: https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/85036/

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Last updated: 22 January 2025
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