
The current COVID-19 emergency has exposed flaws in Higher Education Institution (HEI) business models and presents a real challenge for senior leaders in HE. There has been a clarion call for effective leadership, however what this means in practice remains ambiguous. Particularly, within Scotland there is limited research that examines leadership skills required in the times of crisis in HEIs.

The aim of this study is to examine leadership skills required to cope with the immediate response and the longer-term process of readjusting to the evolving political, social and market environment emerging from the Covid-19 emergency. The proposed methodological approach of this study will draw upon mixed methods, including questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as the primary modes of data collection to be used. The study will involve the senior leadership teams of HEIs in Scotland. The study results will provide a rich picture of the lessons learned during the pandemic.


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Cite as

Harrison, C. 2021, 'Leading During Crisis: A Scottish Higher Education Perspective', British Academy of Management 2021 Conference Proceedings. https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/604d3cc4-8dc8-46f1-9e84-de26cc19a66a

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Last updated: 16 June 2022
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