
The human disconnection left by the pandemic caused certain tensions to rise that could affect job satisfaction and essentially, the retention of valuable employees. Though recognized, the lack of leaders addressing and minimizing frictions have increased the potentials of a disconnected workplaces and poor productivity levels, overall increasing voluntary resignation of dissatisfied employees. The study, therefore, explores how selected low-cost carriers have addressed employee retention and maintain job satisfaction in the post-pandemic workplace environment.


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Cite as

Austria, H. & Koleva, P. 0001, 'Retention Strategies and Job Satisfaction in the Post-Pandemic Workplace Environment: Evidence from the Middle East and Southeast Asia', The 4th International Aviation Management Conference IAMC-2022, pp. 134-143. https://researchportal.hw.ac.uk/en/publications/109411f0-227f-4d08-8b28-cf942542725b

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