- Published
- 12 July 2021
- Journal article
Wireless Channel Modelling for Identifying Six Types of Respiratory Patterns with SDR Sensing and Deep Multilayer Perceptron
- Authors
- Source
- IEEE Sensors Journal
Contactless or non-invasive technology has a significant impact on healthcare applications such as the prediction of COVID-19 symptoms. Non-invasive methods are essential especially during the COVID-19 pandemic as they minimise the burden on healthcare personnel. One notable symptom of COVID-19 infection is a rapid respiratory rate, which requires constant real-time monitoring of respiratory patterns. In this paper, Software Defined Radio (SDR) based Radio-Frequency sensing technique and supervised machine learning algorithm is employed to provide a platform for detecting and monitoring various respiratory: eupnea, biot, bradypnea, sighing, tachypnea, and kussmaul. The variations in Channel State Information produced by human respiratory were utilised to identify distinct respiratory patterns using fine-grained Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing signals. The proposed platform based on the SDR and the Deep Multilayer Perceptron classifier exhibits the ability to effectively detect and classify the afore-mentioned distinct respiratory with an accuracy of up to 99%. Moreover, the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in terms of diagnosis accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and confusion matrix is demonstrated by comparison with a state-of-the-art machine learning classifier: Random Forest.
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Cite as
Saeed, U., Shah, S., Zahid, A., Ahmad, J., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. & Shah, S. 2021, 'Wireless Channel Modelling for Identifying Six Types of Respiratory Patterns with SDR Sensing and Deep Multilayer Perceptron', IEEE Sensors Journal, article no: 9481241. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2021.3096641