Research commissioning
- Unclassified
We commission various types of research to inform the direction and development of our activities and their subsequent evaluation. This includes:
- needs assessments
- scoping and mapping exercises
- surveys
- pre-testing
- systematic and literature reviews
Commissioning process
1. Expression of interest
We advertise research contracts on our website.
Researchers who wish to be considered for our research contracts are asked to complete a Single Procurement Document (SPD) for each new contract advertised. SPDs will be assessed in accordance with the methodology set out in the corresponding SPD Guidance Note.
2. Invitation to tender
We will issue an invitation to tender (ITT) containing the research brief directly to the researchers who exceed the maximum score as stated in the SPD Guidance Note. If you submit a tender you accept our contract terms and conditions. We will not open or consider submitted tenders until after the specified closing date, as stated within the ITT.
3. Assessment of tender
Overall assessment of tenders will focus on identifying the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). We will assess tenders in accordance with the methodology set out within the ITT. The tender assessment process normally results in the identifying of a preferred tenderer, although we are not bound to accept any tender. We will notify all tenderers in writing as soon as possible after completion of the tender assessment process.
4. The briefing meeting
The preferred tenderer is invited to meet with the project group at the briefing meeting. The purpose of the briefing is to discuss the research design and approach as well as operational aspects of the conduct of the research to move toward final agreement and award of the contract.
5. The contract agreement
Individual contract agreements are drawn up for each research contract and mutually agreed by the parties. Each agreement sets out the terms and conditions for research services together with:
- the research proposal
- payment schedule
- copyright and ownership of the research data and outputs
- which country’s law applies
Open contracts
There are no open contracts at present.
You can email for further information on our commissioning process.