Health protection update
First published on 31 March 2020
- Corporate information
Public Health Scotland (PHS) is Scotland’s lead national agency for protecting and improving health and wellbeing in Scotland. PHS brings together parts of NHS National Services Scotland – Health Protection Scotland (HPS) and the Information Services Division (ISD) – with NHS Health Scotland.
PHS delivers specialist national services which coordinate, strengthen and support activities in order to protect the people of Scotland from infectious diseases.
The work undertaken by HPS continues within PHS with no break in service as a result of the move to PHS. We lead the national response to the COVID-19 outbreak, working in collaboration with NHS Boards and Scottish Government.
HPS continues to update its guidance for health protection teams and healthcare practitioners as the situation evolves, as well as providing guidance for non-healthcare settings including schools, places of detention, and separate guidance for social care settings. More information on COVID-19 can be found on the Health Protection Scotland website.