Public Health Scotland (PHS) is looking to consult with stakeholders and gather views from users on how we publish our statistics and make data available.

We want to understand how users currently engage with and access PHS statistics and data, as well as gaining feedback about what improvements should be prioritised to help ensure data best meets user needs. 

This survey, which will be live until 27 September 2024, seeks to gather evidence to help with the review of PHS statistics publications. Continuous improvement is key as PHS strives to transform data into intelligence and knowledge that enables positive health actions across populations.

Updates about our next steps and proposed way forward will be published once all survey responses have been analysed.

Catherine Bromley, PHS’ Head of Digital Strategy and Product Development and Deputy Head of Profession for Statistics said:

“We’re keen to put our users at the heart of what we do to ensure that our statistics and data are useful, timely and understandable. PHS publishes around 450 statistics publications every year using many different formats. We know that many of these statistics are well used and demand for public health data can be huge – our COVID-19 dashboard attracted over 120,000 daily users at its peak. But, we don’t know enough about what our users want from these publications and whether the kinds of innovations we have been introducing recently meet needs.

“Please use this survey or contact us directly to help shape the future of our statistics publications.”

Find out more and complete the short survey

Last updated: 28 August 2024