Since students have returned to university in Scotland there have been a number of outbreaks of COVID-19 requiring students to self-isolate. In addition, international students have been required to spend 14 days in quarantine. 

Public Health Scotland is carrying out research to understand students’ experiences of self-isolation or quarantine. The aim is to learn from students who have had experience of self-isolation or quarantining, so we can ensure that students are adequately supported. We also want to explore possible alternative approaches to reducing the spread of COVID-19. In particular, we are interested in: 

  • the experiences of overseas and home students of having to self-isolate or quarantine at university (including having to self-isolate more than once)
    • what have been the difficulties?
    • what sort of things have made it easier? 
  • what sort of impact has self-isolation and quarantining had on students’ course work, social life (including planning for the Christmas break) and wellbeing? 
  • what would help support the health and wellbeing of those who are required to self-isolate? 
    • what alternatives might there be to the current system of self-isolation and quarantining?

This will help the Scottish Government, universities, public health agencies and other support organisations to provide the best support for students now and in the future. 

To do this study we will hold focus groups with students from universities across Scotland. If you are a student who has experience of self-isolation or quarantine and would be willing to talk to us about it, please view the participant information sheet to find out more and then fill out our focus group registration form (external site) with your details and we’ll be in touch.

Last updated: 25 October 2024
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