Baby and child
- Immunisations
There are routine immunisations available for babies and children in Scotland.
Vaccinations for babies
The vaccines offered to babies at 8 weeks are:
The vaccines offered to babies at 12 weeks are:
The vaccines offered to babies at 16 weeks are:
The vaccines offered to babies at 12 to 13 months (within a month of their first birthday):
More information about when to immunise babies is on NHS inform.
Vaccinations for children
The vaccine offered annually to children from 2 years old to the end of secondary school is:
The vaccines offered to children from 3 years and 4 months are:
Resources are available for health professionals and the third sector.
This includes:
- COVID-19 vaccine resources to support children
- Flu vaccine resources
- childhood immunisation resources
Healthcare staff can find education resources about immunisations on TURAS.