We release a wide range of research, guidance and statistical publications.

Publications released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.

We release data on infectious diseases on Thursday at 0930. Currently releasing Measles and Pertussis data weekly figures.

Showing 2767 results

  • Weekly national seasonal respiratory report - Week 11 2022

    • 24 March 2022
    • Statistical report
    • Health protection

    This release is a weekly report on epidemiological information on seasonal influenza activity in Scotland. Due to COVID health care services are functioning differently now compared to previous flu seasons so the consultation rates are not directly comparable to historical data.

  • Laboratory reports of norovirus in Scotland - up to week ending 20 March 2022

    • 24 March 2022
    • Statistical report
    • Conditions and diseases

    This report presents provisional information on laboratory reports of norovirus in Scotland compared to the same time last year and the average for the same time period of the previous five years.

  • COVID-19 statistical report - 23 March 2022

    • 23 March 2022
    • Statistical report
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    This weekly release by Public Health Scotland presents data on COVID-19 across NHSScotland

  • Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland - Population-based seroprevalence surveillance 23 March 2022

    • 23 March 2022
    • Statistical report
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    • Population health
    • Serology

    The serology work stream aims to estimate the proportion of people who have antibodies to coronavirus ("seroprevalence") in the general population of Scotland and to see if this changes over time.

  • PHS Board papers for 23 March 2022

    • 23 March 2022
    • Committee papers
    • Corporate information

    PHS Board papers for 23 March 2022.

  • Mental Health Indicator process paper

    • 22 March 2022
    • Resources
    • Mental health

    Public Health Scotland (PHS) has developed two sets of mental health indicators, one set for adults and one for children and young people (CYP). These are designed to inform and guide action to improve population mental health in Scotland, at local and national level. They will support monitoring of Scottish Government's mental health transition and recovery plan, which aims to respond to the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Children and Young People Mental Health Indicator resources

    • 22 March 2022
    • Resources
    • Mental health

    The Children and Young People Mental Health Indicators will help to identify important information, at local and national level, about mental health outcomes and the determinants of these outcomes. The resources are Children and young people indicator set, including notes on data sources and Children and young people rationale document, explaining what is covered in the indicator set and why

  • Adult Mental Health Indicator resources

    • 22 March 2022
    • Resources
    • Mental health

    The Adult Mental Health Indicators will help to identify important information, at local and national level, about mental health outcomes and the determinants of these outcomes. The resources are Adult Mental Health Indicator set, this includes notes on data sources, adult rationale document, explaining what is covered in the indicator set and why and a summary note of a discussion from a community workshop used to inform the adult indicator set

  • Estimating population alcohol consumption in Scotland: the impact of using different sources of alcohol retail sales data

    • 22 March 2022
    • Research
    • Alcohol

    This report looks at the two main sources of off-trade alcohol retail sales data. The report assesses how estimates of population-level alcohol consumption may differ when these different sources are used .

  • Estimating population alcohol consumption in Scotland: assessing the validity and reliability of alcohol retail sales data

    • 22 March 2022
    • Research
    • Alcohol

    This report looks at sources of under- and overestimation when using retail sales data to estimate how much alcohol is consumed at a population level.