Mental health inpatient activity
Annual - Year Ending 31 March 2023
A National Statistics publication for Scotland
How this data is used
The Mental Health Inpatient Activity Publication is designed so all of our customers can use the data and explore it for themselves. The data is made available using open government license so it can be used for any purpose that is appropriate.
This data can and has been used for several purposes including looking at the performance of services, planning for future needs, quality improvement, and how services are changing over time. The following is an example of how our data are used in the third sector.
Third sector organisations working in mental health care in Scotland need data that is broken down by location, level of deprivation, and various other demographic factors. This helps them to identify the most vulnerable groups in society and, subsequently, to decide where to concentrate the bulk of their efforts. It is also essential for them to have access to data that is up-to-date, so that their work is responsive to changing patterns of health and illness and data that can be easily linked to other sources of information that are relevant to, or even directly affect, mental health (e.g. government spending). Finally, the need for increased efficiency means that it is increasingly important to be able to find information quickly and easily.
As part of PHS’s Transforming Publishing Programme, PHS are working with customers to release data in a way that better meets user needs. Here is an example of what some of our customers want from us: