We release a wide range of research, guidance and statistical publications.

Publications released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.

We release data on infectious diseases on Thursday at 0930. Currently releasing Measles and Pertussis data weekly figures.

Showing 2763 results

  • Changes to the Scottish diabetic eye screening programme: FAQs for health professionals

    • 23 November 2020
    • Guidance
    • Screening

    This document lists some frequently asked questions for health professionals about changes to the Scottish diabetic eye screening programme.

  • COVID-19 infections among school pupils in Scotland

    • 18 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    The report presents the distribution of cases of COVID-19 across the pupil population in Scotland from 17 August to 18 October 2020, covering the period of Term 1 of the 2020 to 2021 school year. These data show the occurrence of COVID-19 cases in this population across the course of Term 1, and by area, and by school type. This does not reflect directly the measurement of COVID-19 incidents within schools, as not all pupil cases identified will have been present in school during their infectious period.

  • COVID-19 statistical report - 18 November 2020

    • 18 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    This report provides a range of analyses relating to COVID-19 with a specific focus on patterns associated with the age, sex and deprivation of people affected by the virus.

  • Weekly national seasonal respiratory report - Week 46

    • 18 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Population health

    This release is a weekly report on epidemiological information on seasonal influenza activity in Scotland. Due to COVID health care services are functioning differently now compared to previous flu seasons so the consultation rates are not directly comparable to historical data.

  • Dementia benchmarking toolkit - 17 November 2020

    • 17 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Dementia
    • Conditions and diseases

    Monitoring changes in dementia services

  • NHS Performs - weekly update of emergency department activity and waiting time statistics - Week ending 8 November 2020

    • 17 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Hospital care

    Weekly attendance at emergency departments and performance against the 4 hour waiting time standard

  • Alcohol related hospital statistics - Scotland financial year 2019 to 2020

    • 17 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Alcohol

    Alcohol related inpatient and day case activity and psychiatric hospital admission

  • Lymphoma - Patients diagnosed between October 2016 and September 2019

    • 17 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Conditions and diseases

    This release by PHS highlights the publication of the National Lymphoma Cancer Quality Performance Indicators (QPIs) in the Cancer QPIs dashboard, now held within the Scottish Cancer Registry and Intelligence Service (SCRIS).

  • Delayed discharges in NHSScotland annual - Annual summary of occupied bed days and census figures – data to March 2020

    • 17 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Delayed discharges

    Annual summary information relating to people experiencing a delay in their discharge from hospital

  • Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland – Community Surveillance in Primary Care Settings

    • 11 November 2020
    • Statistical report
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    The data presented in this report has been collected as part of the community surveillance programme in primary care, from a sample of 13,832 individuals so far since April 2020, provide insights into the characteristics of people with mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms. Those without symptoms are excluded from the sample. The findings are from data collected in phases 1 and 2 of the programme which took place over twenty-six weeks, up until October 2020. Participants in the surveillance programme were recruited across all 14 Health Boards in Scotland and were those with mild to moderate symptoms, presenting to NHS24, who received a telephone consultation or were seen at a COVID-19 Community Assessment Centre (CAC) for a face-to-face consultation. A key finding is that the symptoms of cough and altered sense of taste/smell were associated with an increased odd of a positive test, followed by headache, diarrhoea and fatigue. There were no symptoms which were more likely to be associated with a positive test result in children and adolescents.