Additional vaccinations for those at risk
- Immunisations
Additional immunisations are provided by NHS Scotland for those in a clinical risk group.
NHS inform provides information on the:
- BCG vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- MenB
- Inactivated flu vaccine
- Pneumococcal vaccine
- HPV vaccine for men who have sex with men (MSM)
- mpox vaccine
Find out more about the vaccines offered in Scotland on NHS inform.
Children and adults without a fully working spleen (Asplenia)
People without a fully working spleen are at increased risk of some life-threatening infections.
Read the guide for people without a working spleen.
Additional information is available on NHS inform.
Resources for healthcare professionals
Healthcare staff can find education resources about immunisations on TURAS.
Mpox resources
Further information is available for professionals about mpox vaccinations.