The summer holidays are once again coming to an end and one of the most important things parents can include in their back-to-school planning is to check if their child’s immunisation record is up to date.

Getting your child vaccinated is the best thing you can do to help protect them against serious vaccine preventable diseases, and in Scotland a number of free vaccines are offered in school.

Free vaccines are also available to students attending college or university as infectious diseases such as measles and meningitis spread more easily in these settings.  

The table below shows what vaccines your school-age child will be offered, when and how it is given.

In the first few weeks back at school, parents are reminded to check their child’s school bag for a letter, leaflet and consent form for vaccinations that take place at school. It’s really important to sign and return the consent form back to school by the deadline given, to ensure your child doesn’t miss out on their vaccinations. The first vaccination offered in the new school term will be the child flu vaccination, with others following later.

Influenza (flu)

Flu is an infectious virus and can be serious. Even healthy children can become seriously ill from it. That’s why the flu vaccine is being offered to all primary and secondary school pupils in Scotland this year, between September and December. Most school pupils will be offered the flu vaccine as a nasal (nose) spray. It’s quick and painless and will just feel like a tickle in their nose. Getting your child vaccinated against flu can help prevent them getting sick with flu and needing time off school.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is a common virus that usually produces no symptoms. Most people will likely not even know they’re carrying the virus. However, carrying HPV makes you more likely to develop certain types of cancer. The HPV vaccine helps protect against HPV and it’s offered to every S1 pupil in Scotland. We published a study earlier this year which showed that no cervical cancer cases have been detected in women fully vaccinated at age 12-13 following the start of the programme in 2008.

All pupils are now offered the vaccine usually between the ages of 11-13 as this is when it works best, before your child is exposed to the virus.

Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP)

Diphtheria, tetanus and polio are serious diseases that can affect the nervous system. In Scotland, you might not hear about these diseases very often, but that’s the result of so many people being vaccinated over the years. You need a total of five doses of the vaccine to build up and keep your immunity, the first three are offered as babies and the fourth at 3 years 4 months. NHSScotland recommends that all young people have their fifth and final dose in S3.

Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY)

Meningitis is an infection that can be very serious if not treated quickly. It can cause life threatening blood poisoning (septicaemia) and result in permanent damage, such as to the brain and limbs including amputations.  Most people will have had vaccines which help protect them against Meningitis when they were much younger, but the final dose is offered in S3.  This will help to provide longer-term protection to young people, so it’s really important they take up the offer. The MenACWY vaccine is sometimes given at the same time as the DTP vaccine.

College and university students are 11 times more likely to develop invasive meningococcal disease, which causes meningitis and septicaemia. That’s why students are encouraged to check they have previously received the MenACWY vaccine when it was offered in school or speak to their local vaccination team to get booked in for one.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

As cases of measles continue to increase in parts of the UK and other countries in Europe, it’s vital to check your child has had two doses of the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella. When your child is in secondary school, their MMR vaccine status will be checked. If they haven’t had both doses of the vaccine, it means they’re still at risk. It’s important to make sure your child has all the doses they’re eligible for. The good news is it’s never too late to get your child vaccinated and there may well be another opportunity for this at school.

As college and university students are at higher risk of catching measles, it’s recommended they get vaccinated at least two weeks before the new semester starts.

So, whether your child is starting school for the first time or returning after the summer holidays, it’s very important to make sure you’ve done your homework on of what vaccines they’ll be offered to protect against serious diseases.

For more information on vaccines for young people, visit:

It’s also important to make sure that others in your family are up to date with their vaccines. Visit NHS Inform for more information:

Last updated: 15 August 2024